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25 Best Read Aloud Books for a Road Trip

We love to bring read aloud books for a road trip because they help pass the time and keep the kids unplugged. To create this list we have rounded up some of our favorites, asked some of our favorite teachers for suggestions, and found some friends to chime in with their choices too. We hope you love this list of the best read aloud books that is sure to not only entertain your children but promote discussion and family connection, helping those hours in the car fly by.

25 Best Read Aloud Books for a Road Trip with Kids

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25 Favorite Read Aloud Books for a Family Road Trip

Want an easy way to make time fly by when you are on your next road trip? Choose one of these read aloud books that will entertain everyone in the family!

Road Trip Books to Read Aloud for Younger Children and Early Elementary School

These books are perfect for younger children who aren't yet reading and early elementary school children.

Read Alouds for Older Elementary School Students

Traveling with older kids? These are books that don't disappoint!

Read Aloud Books for Middle Schoolers

Traveling with an older audience? Never fear! These books are sure to keep them engaged!


  1. Kristin Goodson says:

    My road trip tip is to plan some things ahead like hotel reservations or travel tickets. But I like to leave room for spontaneity! I think it’s fun to go off the road map a bit and explore. Don’t forget to have fun and let loose!

    1. Great tip! I’m a big planner, but sometimes having kids can make the plans stray from the original path. That’s life though and I wouldn’t change it for the world.

  2. I take a travel fan that clips onto the stroller and wagon. It’s a lifesaver.

    1. I bet that is the best. Especially on hot summer days.

  3. My best road trip tip is to allow time to explore something that catches your eye. For me, part of the fun is exploring something that I didn’t plan to see. Those surprises are what make lasting impressions on my family.

    Great list of read alouds. I think I’ve read nearly all of them with my kids over the years. We used to pack read alouds or books on tape for every trip.

    1. You’re so right. The unexpected surprises are the best. Getting ready to pack a bunch of these books and audio books for a long road trip in a few weeks. Wish me luck!

  4. So many brilliant books in here! Wonder is one of our favourites and my son loved Flat Stanley when he was younger too.

    1. Didn’t you just love Wonder? My son read it, and then I had to read it too, to see what all the hype was about. Can’t wait to share it with my youngest one when he’s a bit older.

  5. Great list! We’ve enjoyed some of these as audio books since reading in the car makes me car sick.

    1. Yep! I definitely don’t recommend reading if you get sick in the car. That’s the worst!

  6. Great selection and prize pack!

    1. There will be two happy winners for sure!

  7. Brandy (Lynn W rafflecopter) says:

    I’m fairly certain I know each of those books! So many good reads and perfect for throwing in your luggage and setting off on an adventure.

    1. I love taking paperbacks, so if they get lost, I consider it a donation to the lucky person that finds the book!

  8. Tabathia B says:

    The first taking my kids with my husband to myrtle beach and stopping at south of the border was a great road trip

    1. I always wanted to visit Myrtle Beach with the kids. I hear it’s fantastic!

  9. Great recommendations! I’d also suggest the “How to Train Your Dragon” series. Just really fun reads that boys and girls (and even parents) enjoy!

    1. Kara, I completely forgot about those! My kids love those books too. Great recommendation!

  10. Nicole Dziedzic says:

    My best travel tips, when traveling with kids, is have extra rear-view mirrors trained on the back seats. This will allow you to keep an eye on the children without having to turn around, and are particularly useful if you’re driving without another adult. They are easy to get hold of in car accessory shops or online. Also when we travel with our kids, we like to make sure we pack in there backpacks: activity books, headphones, educational tablet, card games, and even fun “I Spy” Road Trip printables, they mark off what they find as we drive, and the when they complete the list they get a prize. Very fun for them!

    1. All great tips. Super helpful to be able to see behind you and activities will certainly keep them busy!

  11. Audio books are great too, especially when the readers have really fun character voices. They add music too, which can bring a completely different feeling to the book. Great way to mix up a long road trip!

  12. What a fabulous list! I am prepping for a big trip with a 9, 7, 4, and 3.5 year old. What would you recommend?

    1. Robin, how about the “How to Train Your Dragon” series or “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” or “The BFG”? All of those appeal to a wide variety of ages. Roald Dahl is an amazing story teller!

  13. Not posting to be entered into the draw, as we are in Canada. I am posting, however, to comment on the awesome collection of kids books you have here! As a middle school English teacher, anything featuring kids and books has my complete attention! I was very happy to see “Wonder” and “The One and Only Ivan” on the list, as they are two of my current favorite read alouds.

    1. Thank you so much for commenting! I wish you could enter. : ( I really loved “Wonder” and only one of our children has read “Ivan” so I might read that on our road trip coming up. I think they both have such wonderful messages. Any other favorites you like to read with your middle schoolers? I’m always looking for good books for my almost 7th grader.

  14. this is great and a wonderful idea, now that AJ is getting older he rather read than play in the car. What a great way to get us all involved. Just wish there was a way to keep me from getting car sick when reading.

    1. Karen, I think audio books are the perfect solution. Go to your local public library or download them onto your phone or Kindle and then you don’t have to read at all. Problem solved! : )

  15. We love so many of these books, and picked up some fresh inspiration too. Pinning!

    1. Thanks Allison! Glad to hear you agree and found some new ones too!

  16. margaret peg m says:

    hi, for smaller children i recommend the portable dvd players, most attach to the back of the front seats. my children swear by these now that they have their own toddlers and preschoolers…

    1. The portable DVD players can be life savers on a long trip! We have watched many movies this way.

  17. I only read a couple of these so thank you for putting this together. I actually haven’t tried whether my daughter would like books on tape, rather than reading them, but since both are pretty good readers, we could get these titles for them on Kindle (on our next long flight).

    1. Don’t you just love Kindles? At least you don’t have to worry about the weight of the books and losing a bunch of them. Although, there’s always the issue of losing the Kindle I guess. : ) I think they have audio books on Kindle as well. That might work too.

  18. ellen casper says:

    Break up your trip and do something fun each day along the way.

    1. Great idea Ellen. Adding in stops each day is a great way to break up a long day.

  19. Wow! This is certainly a pretty big list of books that is sure to keep kids occupied while on the road. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks Heather! With kids in all 3 age groups, it’s pretty easy to know what everyone will like. Hope you find some new reads here or old favorites.

  20. Love these suggestions. I have already ordered penguins poppers since that has been on our list for a while. we head off in a week!

    1. Karilyn, where are you headed? We loved Mr. Poppers Penguins. It’s hard to imagine penguins living with a family in the city. I think that’s what my kids loved the most, imagining it could be them! Ha! Have a wonderful trip.

  21. My son would always get car sick from reading, but he loves to read so we would stop every hour or so to sit and read, eat and recharge and then talk about what he just read until we could stop again. Always a great way to encourage him to think about what he is reading and think out side the box.

    1. Isn’t it nice when our kids are a captive audience? I love asking them questions about reading and they actually want to share their thoughts. Road trips are the best!

  22. Great list. I just wrote a post about the same topic with just a bit of overlap. I totally forgot about the Indian in the Cupboard. We loved that one, and Because of Winn Dixie. I highly recommend the Tale of Desperaux by the same author. The cartoon movie just doesn’t do it justice. Thanks for sharing your list. I’m pinning it for further reading.

    1. Tara, we love Desperaux too. Getting ready to take that on our road trip. Isn’t it funny how the movies rarely do justice to a good book?

      1. I couldn’t even watch The Tale of Desperaux after falling in love with the book and that awesome narrator!

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